
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<1>”Internet Access and Well-being”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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2. 時計(ストップウォッチ)を見ながら、英文を最初から最後まで読み、かかった秒数を記録する
3. 設問に解答する
4. 答え合わせをして正解数を確認する


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Internet Access and Well-being

A new study from the UK suggests that having Internet access is beneficial for our health. Researchers examined data on Internet use and mental health from 168 countries, involving two million people aged 15 to 99, collected between 2006 and 2021.

The study found that people with Internet access were 8% happier than those without it. Researchers looked at factors like life satisfaction and happiness with social life.

Internet access seems to have similar positive effects as walking in nature. It helps people learn new things, enjoy hobbies, watch movies, and make friends. However, this study didn’t investigate the impact of social media, which other studies have shown can negatively affect mental health.

One researcher, Tobias Dienlin, pointed out that this study can’t determine if social media is harmful or if schools should ban smartphones. He added that different ways of using the Internet can have varying effects on people’s well-being.

In conclusion, while Internet access appears to have overall positive effects on well-being, it’s important to consider how it’s used. More research is needed to fully understand the impact of different Internet activities on mental health. (191words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What percentage happier were people with Internet access compared to those without?
a) 5% b) 8% c) 10% d) 15%
(2) What activity is Internet access compared to in terms of positive effects?
a) Reading books b) Playing sports c) Walking in nature d) Watching TV
(3) What aspect of Internet use did the study not investigate?
a) Learning new things b) Enjoying hobbies c) Watching movies d) Social media use
(4) According to the researcher, what can have different effects on people’s well-being?
a) Age of users b) Country of residence c) Different ways of using the Internet d) Time spent online








(1) b) 8%
(2) c) Walking in nature
(3) d) Social media use
(4) c) Different ways of using the Internet


□ access (アクセス) □ well-being (幸福、健康) □ mental health (メンタルヘルス) □ satisfaction (満足) □ hobby (趣味) □ impact (影響) □ social media (ソーシャルメディア) □ ban (禁止する) □ smartphone (スマートフォン) □ vary (さまざまである) □ conclusion (結論) □ overall (全体的な)
□ consider (考慮する) □ research (研究) □ activity (活動)
