



The Power of Sleep

For many people, sleep is something that is often underestimated and taken for granted. However, numerous studies have shown that getting a good night’s sleep is vital for overall health and well-being. Ideally, adults should be getting around seven to nine hours of sleep each night, though individual needs may vary. A lack of sleep can lead to a wide range of problems, including an impaired immune system, a higher risk of chronic diseases, and mood disturbances.

One significant benefit of sleep is that it allows the brain to process and consolidate memories. During sleep, the brain sorts through the information gathered during the day and decides what to keep and what to discard. This process is essential for learning new things, as well as retaining important memories. Additionally, sleep helps to restore and rejuvenate the body, allowing it to repair damaged cells and tissues, and even grow new ones. This is particularly important for athletes and those recovering from injuries or illnesses.

Interestingly, some cultures have different sleep patterns compared to the traditional western sleep schedule of one long period during the night. In countries like Spain and Italy, people often take a “siesta” in the middle of the day, enjoying a short nap before continuing with their daily activities. This practice has been linked to improved alertness, mood, and productivity, although some researchers argue that it has more to do with cultural factors than the actual benefits of the nap itself.

Despite the proven importance of sleep, modern society often values productivity and a fast-paced lifestyle over well-rested individuals. As a result, many people suffer from sleep deprivation, leading to a myriad of health issues. To combat this, experts recommend creating a consistent sleep schedule, developing a pre-sleep routine, and ensuring that the sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.


(1) How many hours of sleep per night do experts suggest for adults?

A. Four to six hours

B. Seven to nine hours

C. Ten to twelve hours

D. Thirteen to fifteen hours


(2) What is one of the primary benefits of sleep for brain function?

A. It increases creativity.

B. It allows for the processing and consolidation of memories.

C. It improves problem-solving skills.

D. It enhances multi-tasking abilities.


(3) What is the purpose of a “siesta” in countries like Spain and Italy?

A. To enjoy a short nap in the middle of the day.

B. To socialize with friends and family.

C. To meditate and reflect on the day’s events.

D. To break up the monotony of the workday.


(4) What is one way experts recommend to improve sleep quality?

A. Frequently changing sleep schedules to keep the body guessing.

B. Engaging in physical activity immediately before bedtime.

C. Creating a consistent sleep schedule.

D. Sleeping in a brightly lit environment.

Answer key:

B. Seven to nine hours

B. It allows for the processing and consolidation of memories.

A. To enjoy a short nap in the middle of the day.

C. Creating a consistent sleep schedule.











(1) 大人に対して専門家は一晩に何時間の睡眠を勧めるか?

A. 4〜6時間

B. 7〜9時間

C. 10〜12時間

D. 13〜15時間


(2) 脳機能に対する睡眠の主な利点の一つは何ですか?

A. 創造性を高めることができる。

B. 記憶の処理と固定化を可能にする。

C. 問題解決能力を向上させる。

D. 複数のタスクを同時にこなす能力を高める。


(3) スペインやイタリアなどの国々における「シエスタ」の目的は何ですか?

A. 昼間に短い昼寝を楽しむため。

B. 友人や家族と交流するため。

C. 一日の出来事を瞑想し反省するため。

D. 仕事の日中の単調さを打破するため。


(4) 睡眠の質を改善するための専門家の推奨方法は一つありますか?

A. 睡眠スケジュールを頻繁に変更して体を惑わすこと。

B. 就寝直前に身体活動に従事すること。

C. 一貫した睡眠スケジュールを作ること。

D. 明るい環境で眠ること。