




The Migratory Marvels

Millions of monarch butterflies undertake an incredible journey across North America every year. These delicate creatures travel thousands of kilometers from their summer breeding grounds in Canada and the United States to their winter sanctuaries in central Mexico. The butterflies face numerous challenges throughout their migratory journey, including harsh weather conditions, predators, and habitat loss.

Remarkably, monarch butterflies rely on a unique navigational system to guide them on their long journey. They use an internal biological clock and the position of the sun to determine the direction they need to fly. As winter approaches and the temperature drops, their instincts prompt them to gather in clusters and embark on their annual migration.

Throughout the generations, the great-grandchildren of the original migrating butterflies instinctively return to the same wintering grounds in Mexico. These sanctuaries, set high in the mountains, provide a haven for the butterflies and protect them from the cold weather. The trees in these protected areas are crucial for the butterflies’ survival, as they rely on them for roosting during the winter months.

Conservation efforts have been implemented to protect the monarch butterfly population and their habitats. Reforestation projects have been initiated to ensure the butterflies have the necessary survival resources. Logging in the sanctuaries is strictly controlled. Educational programs are also in place to raise awareness of the importance of preserving these unique insects and the ecosystems they inhabit.


(1) Monarch butterflies migrate thousands of kilometers to

1. escape predators in their breeding grounds.

2. find better food sources in central Mexico.

3. avoid the cold weather in their summer habitats.

4. reunite with other butterfly species in the winter sanctuaries.


(2) How do monarch butterflies navigate during their migration?

1. They follow the paths of other migratory animals.

2. They rely on their internal biological clock and the sun’s position.

3. They learn the route from older butterflies in the group.

4. They use the Earth’s magnetic fields to determine their direction.


(3) The great-grandchildren of migrating butterflies

1.have better navigational skills than their ancestors.

2. instinctively return to the same wintering grounds in Mexico.

3. live longer than the previous generations.

4. face fewer challenges during their migration.


(4) What is one way in which the monarch butterfly population is being protected?

1. Introducing new predators to control their population.

2. Controlling logging and initiating reforestation projects.

3. Training them to adapt to different habitats.

4. Encouraging them to migrate to different locations.

Answer Key:

1. 3

2. 2

3. 2

4. 2


1. Monarch butterflies migrate thousands of kilometers to avoid the cold weather in their summer habitats.

2. Monarch butterflies navigate during their migration by relying on their internal biological clock and the sun’s position.

3. The great-grandchildren of migrating butterflies instinctively return to the same wintering grounds in Mexico.

4. One way the monarch butterfly population is being protected is by controlling logging and initiating reforestation projects.






(1) オオカバマダラ蝶が数千キロメートルを渡る理由は

1. 繁殖地にいる捕食者から逃れるため。

2. 中央メキシコでより良い食料源を見つけるため。

3. 夏の生息地での寒さを避けるため。

4. 冬の聖域で他の蝶の種類と再会するため。

(2) オオカバマダラ蝶が渡りの際にナビゲーションする方法は?

1. 他の渡り動物の道筋をたどる。

2. 内部の生物学的時計と太陽の位置を頼りにする。

3. グループの年長の蝶からルートを学ぶ。

4. 地球の磁場を使って方向を決定する。

(3) 移動中の蝶の曾孫たちは

1. 祖先よりも優れたナビゲーションスキルを持っている。

2. メキシコの同じ越冬地に本能的に戻る。

3. 前の世代よりも長生きする。

4. 渡りの途中でより少ない困難に直面する。

(4) オオカバマダラ蝶の個体数を保護する方法の1つは?

1. 新しい捕食者を導入して個体数をコントロールする。

2. 伐採を制限し、森林再生プロジェクトを開始する。

3. 異なる生息地に適応するように訓練する。

4. 異なる場所への移動を促進する。