
【2025年大学受験英語入試問題〈英文法・英単語・イディオム熟語問題集〉】~第5回~ 慶應大(法)


[A] Questions (1)-(5) below each contain a set of five words. The five words in each set are missing the same pair of letters. Choose the correct pair from the list (1-8) in the box below them to insert into the underlined space, and mark the appropriate number on your answer sheet.

(1) d_l  d_t  f_l  cr_l  fl_nt
(2) d_l  d_ry  tr_l  l_r  g_nt
(3) d_ry  tr_l  f_l  h_l  dr_n
(4) r_n  h_r  v_l  v_n  s_ze
(5) h_l  fr_d  l_nch  s_ce  f_lt

Letter pairs options:
1. ai 2. au 3. ei 4. ia  5. ie 6. ou 7. ua 8. ue

[B] In each of the following sentences (6)-(10), a word has been removed and replaced with an underlined space. Choose the most appropriate word from the list (1-4) below each sentence to insert into the underlined space to complete that sentence.

(6) My boss leveled _____ me; if I don’t bring in more sales, I will get fired.
1. of 2. to 3. up 4. with

(7) His plans to open his own restaurant sadly fell _____ at the last minute.
1. for 2. into 3. on 4. through

(8) Several students cooked _____ an excuse for not submitting their homework.
1. for 2. off 3. to 4. up

(9) After a hard day at work, she would wind _____ by listening to opera.
1. by 2. down 3. of 4. on

(10) Just because you hit your sales target, you shouldn’t bank _____ getting a promotion.
1. off 2. on 3. to 4. with


■ 解答一覧

(1) 8
(2) 4
(3) 1
(4) 3
(5) 2
(6) 4
(7) 4
(8) 4
(9) 2
(10) 2

▼ Aパート (1) ~ (5) の詳解

(1) d_l / d_t / f_l / cr_l / fl_nt →「ue」を補う
– duel (決闘)
– duet (二重奏・二重唱)
– fuel (燃料 / ~に燃料を供給する)
– cruel (残酷な)
– fluent (流暢な)

(2) d_l / d_ry / tr_l / l_r / g_nt →「ia」を補う
– dial (ダイヤル、電話をかける)
– diary (日記)
– trial (裁判、試み)
– liar (嘘つき)
– giant (巨人、巨大なもの)

(3) d_ry / tr_l / f_l / h_l / dr_n →「ai」を補う
– dairy (乳製品工場、乳業、牛乳販売所)
– trail (小道、跡、(v) 跡を追う)
– fail (失敗する)
– hail (あられ・ひょう、(v) 歓迎する、(タクシーなどを) 呼び止める)
– drain (排水路、(v) 水を抜く)

(4) r_n / h_r / v_l / v_n / s_ze →「ei」を補う
– rein (手綱、(v) 抑制する)
– heir (相続人)
– veil (ベール、(v) ベールで覆う)
– vein (静脈、(木・大理石などの) 筋)
– seize (つかむ、奪い取る、押収する)

(5) h_l / fr_d / l_nch / s_ce / f_lt →「au」を補う
– haul (引っ張る、運搬する)
– fraud (詐欺)
– launch (開始する、打ち上げる、(n) 打ち上げ・発射)
– sauce (ソース)
– fault (誤り、欠陥、責任)

▼ Bパート (6) ~ (10) の詳解

(6) My boss leveled _____ me.
正解: (4) with → “level with someone”
例:He leveled with his team about the poor sales.(彼はチームに対して率直に売上不振を伝えた)

(7) His plans to open his own restaurant sadly fell _____.
正解: (4) through → “fall through”
「(計画・交渉などが) 失敗に終わる、頓挫する」という意味。
例:Our deal fell through at the last minute.(取引は土壇場で不成立に終わった)

(8) Several students cooked _____ an excuse.
正解: (4) up → “cook up an excuse”
「(言い訳などを) でっち上げる」というカジュアルな表現。
例:They cooked up a story to avoid punishment.(罰を免れるために話をでっち上げた)

(9) After a hard day at work, she would wind _____.
正解: (2) down → “wind down”
「(仕事・緊張などの後に) ゆったりくつろぐ、リラックスする」。
例:I like to wind down with some jazz music.(ジャズ音楽を聴いてくつろぐのが好きだ)

(10) Just because you hit your sales target, you shouldn’t bank _____ getting a promotion.
正解: (2) on → “bank on”
例:We can’t bank on good weather for the event.(イベントで好天を当てにすることはできない)