
【2025年大学受験英語入試問題〈英文法・英単語・イディオム熟語問題集〉】~第4回~ 慶應大(商)


[IV] 次の英文 (30) ~ (36) の空所に入る最も適切なものを、下記の選択肢1~4から1つ選び、その番号を解答欄[(30)]~[(36)]にマークしなさい。

(30) I find it ____ whether these students wrote their essays all by themselves.
1 dubious about
2 questionable as to
3 suspicious of
4 unbelievable at

(31) All classes are held on this campus ____ otherwise noted.
1 as long as
2 except that
3 providing
4 unless

(32) My children need to ____ up their Spanish before we start living in Mexico.
1 brush
2 get
3 improve
4 move

(33) We were just ____ what we could find; we didn’t think we’d find anything. But we found some big holes that looked like dinosaur footprints.
1 seeing to look for
2 out looking to see
3 watching to look for
4 out looking to watch

(34) The modern and contemporary section in this museum offers an overview of nineteenth-century Italian art, ____ a presentation of several major figures of twentieth-century art.
1 following along
2 followed behind
3 followed by
4 following up

(35) After months of negotiations, the mayor has decided that money ____ for restoring nature is to be diverted into funding wage settlements for city workers.
1 saving
2 separated
3 set aside
4 settling down

(36) Why don’t we ____ to our team about the new project at the meeting next week?
1 discuss
2 say
3 talk
4 tell


■ 解答一覧

(30) 2
(31) 4
(32) 1
(33) 2
(34) 3
(35) 3
(36) 3

(30) I find it ____ whether these students wrote their essays all by themselves.
正解:2 questionable as to

  • 解説:「~かどうか疑わしい/問題があると感じる」という文脈では “questionable as to whether…” が自然な表現。
  • “dubious” を使うなら “I am dubious about whether these students…” の形にするが、本問題文の “find it ____ whether…” との相性を考えると “questionable as to” が最適。

(31) All classes are held on this campus ____ otherwise noted.
正解:4 unless

  • 解説:「特に断りがない限り、すべての授業はこのキャンパスで行われる」という意味で “unless otherwise noted” が決まり文句。
  • “as long as” や “providing” では「~の場合に限り」という条件節のニュアンスが強く、文意に合わない。
  • “except that” も「~であることを除いて」という意味であり、ここでは不自然。

(32) My children need to ____ up their Spanish before we start living in Mexico.
正解:1 brush

  • 解説:「ブラッシュアップする(磨きをかける/復習する)」という意味で “brush up one’s ~” は定型表現。
  • “get up” だと「起きる」や「準備する」というニュアンスで、ここでは不適切。
  • “improve up” や “move up” といった表現は自然ではない。

(33) We were just ____ what we could find; we didn’t think we’d find anything.
正解:2 out looking to see

  • 解説:“be out looking to see what we can find” は「とりあえず何か見つかるか探し回っているだけ」という口語的表現。
  • (1) seeing to look for / (3) watching to look for / (4) out looking to watch は不自然な組み合わせ。

(34) The modern and contemporary section in this museum offers an overview of nineteenth-century Italian art, ____ a presentation of several major figures of twentieth-century art.
正解:3 followed by

  • 解説:「~が続く/後に続いて~が提示される」という意味で “followed by…” が自然。
  • “following along / behind / up” はここでは文意に合わず、不自然な印象。

(35) After months of negotiations, the mayor has decided that money ____ for restoring nature is to be diverted into funding wage settlements for city workers.
正解:3 set aside

  • 解説:“set aside” は「~のために取っておく/確保する」という意味。
  • ここでは「自然環境回復に充てるために確保されていた資金を、別の目的に流用する」という文脈。
  • “saving / separated / settling down” では「特定の用途のために確保しておく」というニュアンスに合わない。

(36) Why don’t we ____ to our team about the new project at the meeting next week?
正解:3 talk

  • 解説:「~に(~について)話す」の最も基本的な言い方は “talk to + 人 + about + 事柄”。
  • “discuss” は「~を議論する」という他動詞で “discuss our new project with our team” なら可だが、問題文では “discuss to our team” という形になり不自然。
  • “say to our team” も後ろに “about our new project” と続く形では使いにくい。
  • “tell our team about the new project” も可能だが “Why don’t we tell our team about the new project?” なら “to our team” は不要。設問文との整合性から “talk” が最適。