
【Occhiolism(オッキオリズム)の意味は?】英語 ~翻訳しづらい世界のことば5~


★ オッキオリズム






Occhiolism refers to the moment when you suddenly realize how small and insignificant your life story is compared to the lives of others. We often become absorbed in our own lives, feeling as if our experiences and emotions are the center of the world.

However, there are times when we realize that our story is just one among billions of others. In that moment, we can’t help but feel the smallness of our lives and a sense of humility.

By experiencing occhiolism, we can broaden our perspectives and deepen our empathy for others. Knowing that we are not alone in our struggles can ease feelings of loneliness and prompt us to reconsider the meaning of life.

Occhiolism gives us an opportunity to view our lives in a relative sense. Through this experience, we can learn to cherish our own stories while also being open and tolerant towards the stories of others.