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“The broccoli charmed the kids into eating their vegetables by performing a stand-up comedy routine.”
★ Charm (verb/noun) – To attract, enchant, or please someone or something through appealing qualities or actions; or a quality or feature that attracts or pleases.
⇒魅力を持たせる – 魅力的な特性や行動によって、誰かや何かを引きつけ、魅了し、喜ばせること。また、引きつけたり喜ばせるための特性や特徴を指します。
★ The word “charm” originated from the Old French word “charme” or “chareme,” which refers to a magic spell, incantation, or charm. It traces back to the Latin word “carmen,” meaning “song or verse.”
(1) The singer’s beautiful voice charmed the audience.
(2) The little girl wore a charm bracelet with tiny, sparkling charms.
(3) The magician performed tricks that charmed and amazed the audience.
(4) The coastal town’s charm attracts tourists from around the world.
(5) She has a natural charm that makes people feel comfortable in her presence.