【オンラインde高校英語学習】比較級 -1- 練習問題10連発
He is ( ) of the two brothers. (亜細亜大)
The man who stops learning is as ( ) as dead.(センター試験)
It is getting ( ) and ( ) by the minute. We must hurry home now. (秋田県立大)
Mt.Everest is the highest mountain in the world. =Mt.Everest is higher than ( ) other mountain in the world.(東北学院大)
The harder you study, ( ) you can achieve your goal.(中部大)
He is superior ( ) me in mathematics.(千葉商大)
The shopping mall is the second ( ) one in N.Y.(札幌大)
He is ( ) than clever. (愛知淑徳大)
He is ( ) the best chemist in Japan. (鎌倉女子大)
She cannot speak English, ( ) Green. (東亜大)